In “Crazy House”, Benny Rubin checks into Vernon Dent’s “Lame Brain” sanitarium, where the staff is as insane as the patients! A series of short, funny gags ensue. Until the end, where there’s a consultation with the writers …
Benny meets Dr. Smith at the Crazy House

At the outset, Benny Rubin needs a rest, and so he decides to check out the Lame Brain Sanitarium. where he meets the unhinged administrator, Dr. E. D. Smith (who spells his last name J-O-N-E-S). And he’s off on a tour, to meet the other staff members …
The crazy staff at Lame Brain Sanitarium

Consultation with the writers

Cast of characters
- Benny Rubin (The Disorderly Orderly; The Red Skelton Show) … Benny
- Vernon Dent (The Big Flash; Sing a Song of Six Pants) … Dr. Smith (J-O-N-E-S)
- Polly Moran (The Passionate Plumber) … Singer
- Karl Dane (The Big Parade) … Karl Dane
- Gus Shy (Good News) … Gus
- Cliff Edwards (Parlor Bedroom and Bath) … Writer
- Earl ‘Snake Hips’ Tucker … Dancer (as Snake Hips)
- Albertina Rasch Dancers (Hello Pop!) … Ballet Troupe (as Albertina Rasch Ballet)
- Nat Pendleton (At the Circus; Buck Privates Come Home) … Chef (uncredited)