The Big Flash (1932) starring Harry Langdon, Vernon Dent
In The Big Flash, bombastic electrician Klaus uses Harry’s photo to get a job as newspaper photographer. And then hires Harry as his “assistant” to do the work!
Harry the janitor is a quiet, shy young man. He has a crush on Betty, secretary at the newspaper where they work. But Klaus insists she’s his girl! Although Betty denies it. Klaus has already made a slapstick mess of the newsroom, but he sees that Harry’s photography hobby can make amends. He takes a photo that Harry took, claims credit for it, and gets in good with the editor. He’s then hired as photographer, and hires Harry as his “assistant” to do all the work.
Their first assignment is to get some photographs of a gangster’s girlfriend, Nadine. The gangster, Brick, hass told her to keep them there until he arrives. They’re let in, and Nadine’s maid Fifi keeps Klaus occupied, while Nadine vamps Harry. It’s a funny scene — especially when she kisses Harry, who has unpeopled popcorn in this pocket. The the kiss pops it! The gangster arrive, with guns drawn …. In a funny moment, after every exit has a gunman, Klaus makes a new one through the wall!
Next, Brick has slapped Nadine around — and she retaliates by snitching to the newspaper about his next jewelry theft. So, the editor sends Klaus & Harry — with a machine gun! Once there, there’s a fair amount of comedy, as they try to “hide” to take the photos. But, there’s a cop blocking the camera! And Harry’s attempts to move him are very funny.
Eventually, Brick shows up and Harry, despite himself, manages to capture him and earn a $1,000 reward! He finally gets the girl, but Klaus gets a bit of revenge. “Do you feel a draft?”
The Big Flash is a very funny, fast-paced, slapstick short film. It’s clear to see why Vernon Dent worked so well with the Three Stooges! But, this is really Harry Langdon’s film. And it’s hilariously funny! I laughed out loud multiple times watching the 20 minute comedy short film. And, you will too! Very funny, with two great film clowns, and highly recommended.
Comedy highlights
- Klaus breaking the lightbulbs in the newsroom, as the editor talks about gangsters threatening to shoot him!
- Klaus’ slapstick leaving the newsroom in disgrace.
- The entire scene in Nadine’s apartment.
- Klaus making a new exit!
- Harry with a machine gun!
- “Cleverly” hiding in front of the jewelry store.
- Trying to move the cop out of the way – for a better photograph.
- Harry lies to the cop about someone having stolen his watch. Moments later, someone actually steals his watch! And the cop doesn’t believe him.
- Harry tries to distract the cop by lying down & pretending to have a fit. But a helpful passerby douses him with water!
- Harry accidentally breaks the jewelry store window for Brick!
- A hilarious scene, as Harry’s in the middle of a gunfight between Brick and the police officer.
- With every shot, they miss each other – but keep hitting Harry’s poor hat!
- Harry, bricked by Brick, unintentionally knocks Brick out!
- Harry posing the unconscious Brick for a photo.
- Klaus’ revenge at the end. “Do you feel a draft?”
- Harry Langdon (Zenobia) … Harry
- Vernon Dent (Hoboken to Hollywood) … Klaus
- Ruth Hiatt … Betty, Hinkle’s Secretary
- Lita Chevret … Nadine, Brick’s Girl
- Matthew Betz … Brick Dugan
- King Baggot … Hinkle – Daily News Editor
- Jack Grey … Hinkle’s Assistant
- Helen Foster … Fifi – Nadine’s Maid
Get out of here, you clumsy hyena! Klaus’ slapstick leaving the newsroom in disgrace. Nadine vamping Harry Nadine popping Harry’s popcorn! There’s no exit! We’ll make one! You’d be surprised Harry with a machine gun! “Cleverly” hiding in front of the jewelry store. Harry accidentally breaks the jewelry store window for Brick! Trying to move the cop out of the way – for a better photograph. Someone actually steals his watch! And the cop doesn’t believe him. Harry pretending to have a fit. But a helpful passerby douses him with water! Gunfight – they miss each other – but keep hitting Harry’s poor hat! Harry, bricked by Brick, unintentionally knocks Brick out! Harry posing the unconscious Brick for a photo. Did you do that? Harry gets the girl Klaus’ revenge at the end. “Do you feel a draft?”
Editor’s note: the above is a high quality, but abbreviated, version of The Big Flash. There’s a lower-quality full length copy at both YouTube and Tubi TV.