Red Skelton, father of 7-pound daughter

(the birth announcement of Red Skelton's daughter, Valentina, originally published in The Meriden Daily Journal on May 6, 1947)
(the birth announcement of Red Skelton's daughter, Valentina, originally published in The Meriden Daily Journal on May 6, 1947)

(the birth announcement of Red Skelton’s daughter, Valentina, originally published in The Meriden Daily Journal on May 6, 1947)

Santa Monica, Calif. May 5. (AP)

Mrs. Red Skelton, wife of the comedian, gave birth to a baby girl weighing 7 pounds 11 ounces at St. John’s Hospital Monday.

Mrs. Skelton, the former Georgia Davis, screen actress, to whom he was married on March 10, 1945 while he was still an Army private, and the child were doing well, the hospital reported.

In fact, said Red’s former wife and still his manager, Mrs. Edna Borzage, “everybody is doing fine except Red. This is one time believe it or not, he was speechless and couldn’t think up a good gag.”

However, he recovered enough to agree with his wife to name the baby Valentina Marie.

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Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson