The Unopened Christmas Gift, courtesy of Epworth Rehoboth Beach Clowning for Joy
Author: Good Book aka Ray Book
Begins with two-three clowns sitting down with kids Solo clown sitting on Chancel looking at a gift completely wrapped on a table with a Bible sitting on the table
C1: (When sitting) Good morning kids. I am Clown 1 (other clowns introduce themselves ) What was your favorite gift this Christmas?
C2: Was it wrapped up so it would be a surprise?
C1: And what did you have to do to find what was inside?(kids say “open it”)
C2: Did any of you leave any of your presents under the tree and not open them? (waits for the answer of No)
C3: Me neither. I was done opening at 8:15 on Christmas!! But look up there. It’s Clown 4 and she is just staring at that present.
C1: Let’s ask her what’s going on. Good morning Clown 4
C4: (kinda sad says) Oh,good morning guys.
C3: Why haven’t you opened that Christmas present?? At my house, we opened everything before breakfast! So what are you waiting for?
C4: WeC2, I would like to BUT, what if it’s not what I wanted?? What if it doesn’t fit or worse yet what if it says “Batteries not Included”?
C1: We learned in Sunday school that the greatest gift ever given was Jesus, who God sent to bring peace and goodwill to all on earth.
C3: That means everyone! (points to kids and congregation)
C2 : And the greatest story about that greatest gift is found in the Bible. (reaches for the Bible on the table)
C3: But there are so many people who choose not to open it, just like Clown and this gift. They never find out about the amazing gift of Jesus’ birth and the gift of salvation.
C1: We sometimes let the buying, shopping and visiting keep us from remembering what an awesome gift we have been given. And this gift keeps on giving throughout our lives and even after.
C2: We need to encourage others to unwrap the Bible and find the wonderful gift that’s inside.
C3: God wants us to make reading our Bible part of our daily routine. Just like brushing our teeth or checking our emails!
C4: I will open this Gift (reaching for the Bible) and as part of my New Year’s resolution, I will faithfully read it every day. And now let’s open this present.
C2: Our Clown prayer says we are to put a smile on someone’s face, SSOOO just in case …. that gift says “batteries not included” (reaches in his pocket) Clowning for Joy has gotcha covered !!
Let’s pray:
Heavenly Father we do thank you, for the gift of Your Son. Help us to open the special gifts, you have given each one of us. Remind us to read your Word
every day. And by doing so we can share, the hope for the world, as found in our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
REMINDER: Bring Batteries Gift and Bible. Get table (or use choir chair) to chancel