Crazy House

Crazy House title card
Crazy House title card

In “Crazy House”, Benny Rubin checks into Vernon Dent’s “Lame Brain” sanitarium, where the staff is as insane as the patients! A series of short, funny gags ensue. Until the end, where there’s a consultation with the writers …

Benny meets Dr. Smith at the Crazy House

Benny Rubin meets Dr. Smith in Crazy House
Benny Rubin meets Dr. Smith in Crazy House

At the outset, Benny Rubin needs a rest, and so he decides to check out the Lame Brain Sanitarium. where he meets the unhinged administrator, Dr. E. D. Smith (who spells his last name J-O-N-E-S). And he’s off on a tour, to meet the other staff members …

The crazy staff at Lame Brain Sanitarium

Consultation with the writers

Consultation with the writers at the conclusion of Crazy House
Consultation with the writers at the conclusion. “Whose idea was this?” “YOURS!”

Cast of characters

About tom.raymond 1606 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson