The Annotated Marx Brothers: A Filmgoers Guide to In-Jokes, Obscure References and Sly Details
Have you ever watched a Marx Brothers film and wondered what habeas Irish rose is? What is the trial of Mary Dugan with sound? What is a college widow? When exactly did Don Ameche invent the telephone? Their films are full of such in-jokes and obscure theatrical, literary and topical references that can baffle modern audiences. In this viewer’s guide to the Marx Brothers, you will find the answer to such mysteries, along with an exhaustive compilation of background information, obscure trivia and even the occasional busted myth. Each of the Marx Brothers 13 films is covered by a running commentary, with points in the film discussed as they appear. Each reference is listed by its running time, with time code given for both PAL and NTSC DVD. An introduction for neophytes and a resource for fanatics, this book is a travel guide to the rambling landscape of these remarkable comedies.
About the author of The Annotated Marx Brothers
Matthew Coniam is the author of the weblog The Marx Brothers Council of Britain and has contributed to numerous books, magazines, journals and websites in Britain and America. He lives in Bath, England.
Table of Contents for The Annotated Marx Brothers
Acknowledgments ix
Introduction 1
A Word About Time Codes 5
1. The Cocoanuts (1929) 7
2. Animal Crackers (1930) 31
3. Monkey Business (1931) 57
4. Horse Feathers (1932) 75
5. Duck Soup (1933) 92
6. A Night at the Opera (1935) 112
7. A Day at the Races (1937) 132
8. Room Service (1938) 151
9. At the Circus (1939) 166
10. Go West (1940) 188
11. The Big Store (1941) 205
12. A Night in Casablanca (1946) 220
13. Love Happy (1949) 236
14. The Incredible Jewel Robbery (1959) 254
Epilogue 263
I: Lydia the Tattooed Lady, Uncovered 265
II: Lydia the Tattooed Lady, Exhumed 268
Notes and Sources 273
Bibliography 297
Index 299