The Clown in You

The Clown in You, by Caroline Dream

The Clown in You, by Caroline Dream – editorial review courtesy of

Buy from THE CLOWN IN YOU is a clowning manual for students, teachers and practitioners. It contains all kinds of valuable clown knowledge; both practical and theoretical. Within its pages readers will find all the basic principles of clowning, first-hand clowning experiences, tried and tested clown games and exercises, quotes from interviews Caroline held with professional clowns, examples of clown improvisations, and explanations of the clown philosophy underlying all the comic techniques used by clowns. The book thus provides an unprecedented insight into the heart of clowning and throws a fresh light on all the skills, audacity and dedication needed to encounter, encourage and set free one’s clown.

Caroline has worked with clowning from the inside out and the outside in. She writes from the perspective of a life spent investigating her art, both as a professional clown and as an international clown teacher.
This is a must read for anyone wanting to learn more about the art and practice of clowning, or for anyone simply interested in becoming a healthier, happier and less inhibited person.

“Discovering your clown and allowing yourself complete freedom of expression is an addictive experience; an adventure sport, whose only drawback is that when you’re on your way home you feel an urgent desire to keep on practising it.”


The first three chapters introduce the reader to the art and craft of clowning as practised by professional clowns throughout the world today. They also clarify all the misconceptions that have arisen around the clown that in reality hinder a student’s ability to be funny. Chapters four to ten tackle specific areas of clown technique. Each chapter contains explanations of the reasons for, and reasoning behind, each element of the technique, plus guidelines and examples of how it all works on a practical level. Chapter eleven explores one of the least discussed aspects of clowning; the most common fears students face and how they can be dealt with. The final chapter examines the necessary ingredients for clowning success. It also covers the phenomenon of “flying”, finding one’s own unique comic wings.

About tom.raymond 1598 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson