Beating Hearts

Beating Hearts - a clown ministry skit for silent clowns, dealing with abortion, courtesy of Puddles T Clown, an unashamedly pro-life skit, for 6 clowns
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Beating Hearts – a clown ministry skit for silent clowns, dealing with abortion – (courtesy of Puddles T Clown) is an unashamedly pro-life skit, for 6 clowns

Courtesy of Puddles,
Note: word he is for either gender


  • 5 red heart-shaped balloons not inflated (if you are fast) or inflated (if you aren’t so fast)
  • 1 pink heart shaped balloon inflated
  • 1 plain brown paper grocery bag, open upright sitting on a small table
  • 6 pieces of fabric- size whatever- just so they can be seen from the back —1 multicolored, 1 black, 1 brown, 1 white, 1 lt. yellow, 1 green.


Have pink balloon in paper bag, unseen by audience. Bag (with balloon) on table in center of stage. Clown #1 with multicolored cloth draped over shoulder on Rt. of bag. Other clowns on left, each with a fabric colored cloth over their shoulders. (One color for each clown)


Clown #1 wears the multicolored cloth over his shoulder. He lifts one red heart up high, hugs & kisses it, holds it as a baby. Starts gently squeezing the heart as a heartbeat type. He carefully puts it into the upright bag. Then holds up 1 finger, 2 fingers, 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 at a slow pace. (like the 9 months go by) As finger 2 goes up, the yellow covered clown gets up, excited, worried, happy, and at 9, clown #1 steps away and either sits down or out of spotlight. “Yellow” carefully tips bag on side, takes out red heart (pink is still hidden inside), then sets the bag upright again. He starts the beating heart as he removes the heart from the bag. Hugging it to his chest, big smile, happy, turns to clown#1, and bows in thanks, mouthing “Thank you”. The procedure repeats, with the black clothed clown, then the brown clothed one, then the white clothed one. As each receive their heart, they each exit the stage. Finally clown#1 puts the last red heart in the bag. At the count of 3 fingers, the green covered clown runs up, roughly pulls over the bag, reaches in with both hands. One to hold the red heart inside, the other with a hidden pin- popping the balloon. He pulls out the popped balloon, and throws it off stage (opposite audience) then roughly tips up the bag again. then exits himself, leaving only clown#1. Who stands and slowly shakes his head. He then reaches in and slowly removes the pink heart, clutching it to his chest. No pulsing of the heart. Then he slowly exits the stage.

About tom.raymond 1599 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson