Bible Lessons

Bible Lessons clown ministry skit
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Bible Lessons – a clown ministry skit for one speaking clown, typically in a church setting, with a lot of interaction with the audience (presumably children)
[Clown walks on stage, addresses the audience]

Good evening! tonight since this is a church event,I’m going to give a Bible lesson. I think that’s only appropriate.

Let’s see …. Where should I begin? Oh, I know, you remember Moses. He was born in Bethlehem (the children correct him, possibly booing. If they don’t respond initially, another clown can lead the way)

Okay, now I remember … Moses was the man with the 8 commandments (no, boo) Ten Commandments? Really? You don’t say? Well, let’s see. Maybe we should go back to the beginning. God created Levi’s and Nikes. (no, boo). He didn’t? What did he create? (people list things)

Wow, God did all that? He’s really awesome! He really made you smart! Now, let me try again …

Remember Abraham? God told him “Abraham, I want you to build an ark, because it’s going to rain for 40 days and 40 nights.” So Abraham went down to the local lumberyard. (no, boo). What’s wrong? It was Noah? Really? Boy you sure “know-a lot”. So it was Noah who God asked to bring two by two on the ark all the plants and flowers and trees …. (no, boo) Not trees? What did he bring on the ark?

Speaking of animals …. Do you remember Daniel? He was thrown into the koala bear’s den. (no, boo). Well, what was in the den?

My, I guess I’d better go back and study more of the Bible, don’t I?

About tom.raymond 1605 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson