Standing Strong

Standing Strong – a free clown skit for 2 clowns by Steve Conley, dealing with standing in God’s strength
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Standing Strong – a free clown skit for 2 clowns by Steve Conley, dealing with standing in God’s strength

This skit comes from Steve Conley , courtesy of the Clown Ministry group at – a group I heartily recommend, by the way.

Kim: Steve, what are you doing?
Steve: Working out.
Kim: Why?
Steve: Because God will honor us for standing strong. So I’m working out to be able to get strong.
(Steve lifting up arms to do shoulder presses)
Kim: (waving her hand in front of her face or holding her nose) Oh, you’re getting strong all right!
Steve: I know, I’m feeling stronger with every rep I do.
Kim: Well how strong do you have to be to stand strong?
Steve: I’m not sure. I guess I could see if I’m strong enough right now.
(Steve gets some kids from the audience and play tug-a-war — after some comedy back & forth, Steve loses)
Steve: It appears that I need to work out some more. I’m just not there yet.
Kim: You might try using this.
(Kim hands Steve a Bible)
Steve: Thanks but I think I will stick with the weights.
Kim: You need to exercise the mind!
Steve: How will that help me in getting strong?
Kim: I think God is saying that He will honor us for standing strong on values, God’s values.
Steve: That’s just like a girl. Always thinking about a value.
Kim: I’m talking about Godly values. The fruits of the spirit come to mind. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. We can find value in each one of these.
Steve: I’m talking about strength!
Kim: So am I. We can find strength in love. We can find strength in joy, peace, kindness self-control. In all of these…
Steve; OK, I get it! The Bible says that God is my strength.
Kim: Right. (looks at audience) Honor God and He will honor you.
Copyright © 2003 by Steve Conley. Performing rights only.

About tom.raymond 1606 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson