Where is Grace?

Where Is Grace? A clown skit for two clowns, illustrating the meaning of grace. Original by dale.beatty at dfas.mil
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Where Is Grace? A clown skit for two clowns, illustrating the meaning of grace. Original by dale.beatty at dfas.mil

Clowns needed: two will do nicely, but more can be used if desired.  In this case, I will name the 2 clowns as Zelmo and Daisy.
Props: Good News Bible marked Ephesians chap 2 verse 8. and loud voices
This skit can be used as a children’s sermon
Starts with the 2 clowns up front.
Zelmo: Hello Daisy, can you help me?
Daisy: Sure Zelmo, what do you need?
Zelmo: Well can you go over to that person and ask her what her first name is? (Zelmo points to a person in the congregation or even some children up front for the children’s sermon).
Daisy: (asks the person to stand up and asks what the person’s first name is.)
The bystander gives her (or his) first name
Zelmo: No! That’s not who I am looking for. Will you ask the person over there? (Zelmo points to another person some distance from the first person.)
(This is repeated several times. Each time Zelmo says “No! That’s not whom I’m looking for.” Of course, Daisy is getting a little irritated.) (Editor’s note: this is a prime place to insert some good clowning, interacting with the audience)
Daisy: Hey, Zelmo, I’m getting tired of running all around the church asking these kind people their first names. What’s going on here? Can’t you just announce to the congregation who you are looking for?
Zelmo: That’s a great idea. (pause)
Daisy: Well what are you waiting for?
Zelmo: Oh, sorry! Is there anyone in this congregation with the first name of Grace? Please stand up.
(if anyone (or more) stands up, Daisy points to the lady and says)
Daisy: I see one over there.
Zelmo: (runs over to the lady in a panic) save me, save me, save me
(if more than one grace stands up Zelmo will need to run to that person also, repeating the same save me, save me, save me.)
Daisy: Zelmo what are you doing scaring these ladies? Why are you running up to these ladies saying save me, save me, save me?
(if there are no people named grace)
Daisy: Sorry Zelmo! There is nobody here by that name.
Zelmo: Oh no !!!! What am I going to do!!!!!!!!
(in either event, continue with the following)
Daisy: Why are you looking for someone named Grace?
Zelmo: Well Daisy, I love God, and Jesus Christ and I want to go to Heaven when I die and it says right here is the Bible (opens the Bible) Ephesians chapter 2 verse 8 that can be saved by Grace. Well!!!! I’m looking for Grace so she will save me.
Daisy: You silly clown! That lady can’t get you to heaven. Besides, that. That is not what is says in the Bible. It says “for it is by God’s grace that you have been saved through faith. It is not the result of your own efforts, but God’s gift.” You see Zelmo God loves us so much that he gave us his Son Jesus Christ, and He realized that we as people are not perfect and we sin. Jesus Christ suffered and died on the cross for our sins. So you see Zelmo the Bible is talking about grace not as a person but as God’s love for us. He wants us to go to Heaven and be happy because He loves us.
Zelmo: Thanks Daisy for making that clear to me, I guess I just don’t understand the Bible all the time.
Daisy: It’s good that you are reading the Bible, but it’s even more important that you understand what God is saying to you. If you don’t understand what you are reading you can go to your parents, older people, a Sunday school teacher, and even your pastor or even me.
Zelmo: Thanks Daisy. For helping me to understand, you are a great friend.

About tom.raymond 1605 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson