Wrong Way Banana – clown ministry skit for 2 speaking clowns
(A clown skit for two clowns, typically a white face and an auguste, although any 2 clowns would do. Props required are two bananas, one ‘pre-sliced’ – can be done with a needle, slicing a banana still in its’ skin, so that when peeled the banana is already sliced.)
Clown1 and Clown2 come on stage; Clown1 addresses the audience, informing them that they are there to differentiate between minor disagreements and major doctrinal divisions.
Clown1: For example, some things are essential for Christians to agree with, such as Jesus being God’s own Son, that He never sinned, that He …
Clown2: Ate bananas the right way!
Clown1: (does a take) What?
Clown2: He ate a banana the right way, not upside down!
Clown 1: (produces a banana) First, that’s not essential. (pause) Besides, when you hold a banana upside-down, you get a convenient handle, (Clown2 reacts, aghast) it’s easier to peel and faster (Clown1 peels the banana upside-down and eats, while Clown2 reacts more & more outraged)
Clown2: Stop that! (Clown1 stops, surprised) That’s not how we eat bananas in my church!
Clown1: (surprised, trying to be a peacemaker) Wow, I’m sorry that I upset you. but, you know, different people eat bananas in different ways. It’s not a sin to do something different from the way you do it at your church, after all.
Clown2: (with a very black look) Hah! (Clown1 looks shocked at Clown2’s response) I’ll show you the right way to eat a banana! (Clown2 presents his banana, proceeds to open it in the traditional way—as soon as he does, the pre-sliced banana topples to the floor. Clown2, shocked, stares at the fallen banana)
Clown1: (looking at Clown2) Wow … (pause) maybe that’s not the right way to peel a banana!
Clown2: (looks up, angry) I’ll show you! (chase ensues)