The colors of my life – song lyrics

Ringling Brothers clowns in the 1970's
Ringling Brothers clowns in the 1970's

Song lyric to The Colors of My Life, lyrics by Michael Stewart, and music by Cy Coleman, from the musical Barnum

The colors of my life
Are bountiful and bold,
The purple glow of indigo,
The gleam of green and gold.

The splendor of the sunrise,
The dazzle of a flame,
The glory of a rainbow,
I’d put ’em all to shame.

Ringling Brothers clowns in the 1970's
Ringling Brothers clowns in the 1970’s

No quiet browns and grays,
I’ll take my days instead
And fill them till they overflow
With rose and cherry red!

And should this sunlit world
Grow dark one day,
The colors of my life
Will leave a shining light

To show the way…
No quiet browns and grays,
I’ll take my days instead
And fill them till they overflow
With rose and cherry red!

And should this sunlit world
Grow dark one day,
The colors of my life
Will leave a shining light
To show the way …

About tom.raymond 1605 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson