Weekly clown-ministry.com mailing (3/30/2004)

  1. Introduction
  2. New skit on-line
  3. New articles
  4. Questions
  5. Web Site of the week
  6. Outroduction :o)

1. Introduction

Hello, and welcome to the weekly Clown-Ministry mailing list. This is just a short note to let everyone who’s interested know about new additions to the site, and related information.

And the big news this time around is — the web site is back up as of last Friday around noon CST — my thanks to everyone’s patience. Also, my thanks to everyone who responded after the “mini-update” last week. As I look for permanent work, I do covet your prayers for myself and my family. Please understand that I do know that God is in control, and that “all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. ” — and we’re continuing to stand on the Rock that does not move :o)

And now, back to our regularly-scheduled newsletter.

2. New skits on-line

None this week, but working on 2 different ones that should make it on-line later next week or early next week. As always, if you have an original skit that you’d like to contribute, please send me e-mail & I’ll cheerfully post it.

3. New Articles

Added quite a bit recently. Added biographies for Groucho, Harpo and Chico Marx, as well as reviews for their most famous movies (Animal Crackers, Monkey Business, Horse Feathers, Duck Soup, A Night at the Opera, A Day at the Races, A Night in Casablanca) — whew! Also added a short article on Fear of a Clown, and how we as practicing clowns can try to prevent it. Also added reviews of 2 DVD collections of Red Skelton’s TV show – King of Laughter, and AMC TV’s The Red Skelton Show. I strongly recommend the AMC collection to all of my clown friends — it contains 14 episodes of Red’s TV series for under $10 — a lot of bang for the buck there. Also added a review of a DVD of the live-action Bozo show from Boston.

4. Questions

Q: How does a Gospel clown transition from the zany antics of being a funny, silly clown to one who is delivering the Gospel message to a child without the make-up, costume etc getting in the way. I guess what Im asking is how after the skit, juggling, magic etc, do you then become this serious message bearer in costume? (from Jack Osbon <josbon at mastersweb dot org>)

A: It’s a wonderful question — I’m going to open it up to the readership to answer. I can only answer for myself — my character is childlike, and I present the message as a child would tell a friend — I stay in character, and present the Good News not only seriously, but joyfully.

5. Web Site of the Week

A site that I’ve been meaning to mention for a long time – http://www.clowncostumes.com/ — Costumes by Betty. Betty Cash, aka. Peewee, is a wonderful clown and an even nicer person, who makes wonderful outfits and accessories for clowns. I first met Betty at Clown Camp in 1998, and she was an enormous help to both my wife & I in designing our costumes. Take a moment to visit, and tell them Tom sent you :o)

6. Outroduction

This is a weekly e-mailing from http://www.clown-ministry.com/ — if you received this by mistake, or you just don’t want to receive it any more then simply reply to this message with ‘unsubscribe’ as the subject of your message, and I’ll gladly remove you from any future mailings. As always, feel free to submit your own skits, articles, ideas for articles, etc.

Thanks for listening, and bump a nose!

Tom Raymond
“Clowns work like aspirin, only faster” — Groucho Marx

About tom.raymond 1603 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson