Clown skit – hospital gurney

Clown skit - hospital gurney
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A classic clown skit (or bit) – pretending to push a clown on a hospital gurney– only to be exposed as a fraud, of course

This is a classic clown bit. One clown is pretending to push another out of a hospital (or another place) on a gurney. The “gurney” is actually a sheet, over the top of two poles that are being held by the second clown. Some instances have a pair of shoes on the end of the poles as well.

Since this is a clown skit 🙂 the clowns’ “clever” trick is exposed. Typically, a third clown or “normal” person will come to talk with them. He steps on the sheet, and as the clowns walk away, the sheet pulls off, exposing the trick.

It’s been done many times. The photo is from The Abbott and Costello Show episode, Alaska, where Bud and Lou are doing it, only to be exposed by Mike the Cop. It’s been done by the Three Stooges, and a great many other places as well.

About tom.raymond 1605 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson