Clown skit Stagecoach – a classic routine for 2 speaking clowns
Clown skit Stagecoach – a classic clown routine for 2 speaking clowns, typically a white face and an auguste, although any 2 clowns would do, dealing with cowboy clowns dealing with a pursuit. In a class at the 2014 Midwest Clown Association convention, Julie Varholdt (aka. Lovely Buttons) led the class into updating the skit, for example being pursued for jumping to the head of the line and get the newest iPhone, only to be pursued by the other clowns who felt cheated. As with all of these skits, use this as an outline, and modify it to work for your specific clowns.
Props: 2 chairs center-down stage.
1st clown enters from stage right wearing cowboy hat, carrying foam gun and climbs into the “stagecoach”
2nd clown enters stage left wearing cowboy hat, climbs into the stagecoach & grabs the reins of the horses: “Hey let’s get this stagecoach out of here before the bad guys catch us!”
1st clown: “Okay Boss!” Both clowns start bouncing in their seats like they are riding on top of a stagecoach.
2nd clown looks behind over his right shoulder: “Hey, are the bad guys chasing us?”
1st clown: “Yeah they’re chasing us, Boss.”
2nd clown: “How close are they?”
1st clown: “They’re this big.” Holds up forefinger & thumb of right hand showing about 2 inches high.
Both keep bouncing along.
2nd clown: “Hey, are the bad guys still chasing us?”
1st clown: “Yeah, they’re getting closer.”
2nd clown: “Oh no! How close are they?”
1st clown: “They’re this big.” Holds up 2 hands showing about 1 foot high. Both keep bouncing along.
2nd clown: “Hey are those bad guys still chasing us?”
1st clown: “Yeah, they’re getting closer.”
2nd clown: “Oh no! How close are they now?”
1st clown: “They’re this big!” Holds up 2 hands showing about 3 feet high.
2nd clown: “Well then shoot at them!”
1st clown: “I can’t shoot at them!”
2nd clown: “Why not?”
1st clown: “I’ve known them since they were this big!” Holds up forefinger & thumb of right hand showing about 2 inches high. 2nd clown groans. Both shrug shoulders. Both exit stage as they entered, taking chairs.