Counting the Cards – a clown skit for 2 or more speaking clowns
Counting the Cards is a skit for two (or more) speaking clowns, that can either be used solely for fun or to teach about patience and/or perseverance.
The skit begins with one clown seated at the middle of the stage, with a card table in front of him, and with a big deck of cards on the table-the bigger, the better. Remember, not only do we want the audience to see the cards, this is a clown skit after all. Clown #2 enters the stage and addresses Clown #1.
Clown 2: Hey, Clown 1! It’s an emergency!
Clown 1: What kind of ‘C’?
Clown 2: No, no! I’m supposed to do a magic trick for the kids, but I forgot my deck of cards! Can I borrow yours?
Clown 1: (holding up giant cards) Well, I suppose so … but I’m not sure if they’re all here. I have to count them. (Begins counting the cards out quietly, ‘1, 2, 3′, …)
Clown 2: A few cards short of a full deck, huh? (pause) Say, how many cards are there in a complete deck, anyway?
Clown 1: (looks up from his counting) 52. (continues counting) 53, 54, 55 … oh no! I’ll have to start over. (restacks the deck, starts over) 1, 2, 3, …
Clown 2: 52 cards, huh? And there are 4 suits, right-hearts, clubs, spades, and diamonds?
Clown 1: Yes, 4. 5, 6, 7, 8 … oh no! I’ll have to start over! (restacks the deck) 1, 2, 3, 4 …
Clown 2: So, math tells me there are thirteen cards in each suit.
Clown 1: 13, 14, 15, 16 …. oh no! I’ll have to start over!
(depending on the purpose of the skit, it can end at this point with a simple chase, or in a Church setting they can talk about how God made 4 seasons, with 13 weeks in each, and 1 year with 52 weeks, etc. In the same way, a clown troupe could be used instead of just 2 clowns, with a different clown walking on with a different question, etc.)