I’ve got to go whee!

I’ve got to go whee!  Clown skit for two or more speaking clowns
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I’ve got to go whee!  Clown skit for two or more speaking clowns

Editor’s note: this is an old skit.  I first remember performing at Boy Scout camp more decades ago than I care to admit.   There are (at least) two distinctive ways to perform this skit:   The first, as seen in the YouTube video below, is with multiple clowns, effectively playing ‘telephone’.   The clown on the end whispers to the clown next to him, “I’ve got to go whee!”
That clown dutifully passes the message along, until it reaches the clown on the other end, who passes the message back that the first clown will have to wait.  The first clown passes the message that, “I’ve really got to go whee!” — and the message goes back that he has to wait.
For the third time (remember the rule of three), the first clown passes the message that “I’ve really got to go whee!” …  And the message finally gets passed back to go ahead.  At which point the first clown jumps up, and with all the exuberance he can muster, goes “Whee!” — dancing and cavorting off stage.
An alternative is to turn the skit into a running gag, where the first clown would interrupt the master of ceremonies (or ringmaster, or children’s pastor, or whatever authority figure) with the “I’ve got to go whee!” message — and rebuffed the first two times.  On the third try, the M.C. finally relents, and the first clown goes into his exuberant “Whee!”

About tom.raymond 1602 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson