Clown Armor of God

Clown Armor of God – a clown skit for 2 speaking clowns, illustrating the Armor of God – An original skit by Raynbow D Clown, based (loosely) on Ephesians 6
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Clown Armor of God – a clown  skit for 2 speaking clowns, illustrating the Armor of God – An original skit by  Raynbow D Clown, based (loosely) on Ephesians 6

(requires 2 clowns, 1 with at least some balloon twisting ability)
Clown 1: Today, we’re going to demonstrate putting on the Armor of God, with the help of
Clown 2: (waves at audience)
Clown 1: First, we start with the Helmet of Salvation (twists a simple (or complex, depending on skill) balloon hat, places it on Clown 2’s head)
Clown 2: Is this my size?  
Clown 1: Yup – €salvation fits everyone! Next, the breastplate of righteousness (simply made by twisting a balloon around the waist (or 2 balloons ‘œtied’ together, for the extra-wide clown), with ‘hoops’ going up & over the clown’s shoulders (almost like suspenders)
Clown 2: Umm, ‘scuse me? But there appear to be holes in this armor.
Clown 1: It’s ‘holy’ armor, right? Besides, we’re just pretending, so we can teach a lesson. You can’t see the real Breastplate of Righteousness, but every Christian wears it just the same. Because Jesus has made them ‘right’ before God.
Clown 2: (light slowly dawns) Oohhh.

Clown Armor of God – a clown skit for 2 speaking clowns, illustrating the Armor of God – An original skit by Raynbow D Clown, based (loosely) on Ephesians 6

Clown 1: And now the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God (puts a Bible in Clown 2’s hand)

Clown 2: (with a confused look) I’m supposed to hit someone with the Bible?
Clown 1: No, you’re supposed to READ it, and then RELY on God to do what He says! (moving on) and now your feet shod with the good news of peace  (looks at Clown 2, who lifts his Size 17 foot) … well, we’ll just leave your clown shoes alone and let’s not forget the Shield of Faith, to put out (quench) the fiery darts of the Enemy (hands him a trash can lid)
Clown 2: (looking incredulously at the trash can lid) THIS is supposed to be the shield of faith?
Clown 1: Hey, I’m working on a budget here! (ends with a chase off-stage)

About tom.raymond 1605 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson