Pretty Good Guy

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Pretty Good Guy – a clown ministry skit for 2 speaking clowns – courtesy of the Asbury clown troupe

props required: tie, walker, long list of sins (likely 8.5″ x 11″ paper taped at the ends), tie, chalk slate
(both enter together) (background music) 

Doc Hi, I’m Doc.  I’m a sinner 
Leonardo And, I’m….. a Pretty Good Guy. 
Doc Every day I try to do what God tells me to do, and I fail. 
Leonardo And every day, I’m…. a Pretty Good Guy. 
Doc For instance, on my way to Asbury, I went over the speed limit. 
Leonardo I have never gotten a speeding ticket. 
Doc Really?  You’ve never broken the speed limit? 
Leonardo I have never gotten a speeding ticket. 
Doc Hmmmm (pause)  Another example. Right now, I’m kind of coveting that tie Leonardo is wearing.  That is one amazing tie! 
Leonardo Isn’t it though?  Didn’t pay a penny for it.  The sales clerk must have dropped it in my bag by mistake.  See how God takes care of…. pretty good people? 
Doc Well…. anyway.  If it depended on me, I would never get to heaven. 
Leonardo Hey.  Good people go to heaven!  And I’m not just a good guy, I’m a pretty good guy! 
Doc So you think you’re good enough for heaven? 
Leonardo You bet! 
Doc Ok.  Let’s make a deal.  We’ll each keep track of our sins for the next, oh say, 50 years.  We’ll mark down every sin and when we meet again, we’ll see how good we really are.  Deal? 
Leonardo Deal  (shake & exit) 
BRIDGE    music continues /pause/  as Leonardo walks down aisle 
Leonardo (enters stage as “gramps” walker, tie, dragging paper list of sins, mumbles)  Stupid list.  Stupid deal.  Stupid sins!  
Doc (enters with cane, stands next to Leonardo) 
Leonardo Doc! 
Doc Leonardo!  Good to see you!  Still have great taste in ties, I see.  (sees list) Whoa!  Is that your sin list?!?! 
Leonardo What did you expect?  That’s 50 years worth.  Where is your list? 
Doc (brings slate from behind back)  Actually, it’s right here. 
Leonardo That’s impossible!  There’s nothing on it! 
Doc I know. Isn’t that great! 
Leonardo How did you do that? 
Doc Oh, it wasn’t me.  Christ is the only one who can wipe my slate clean.  Every day I try to obey God and every day I mess up.  Every day I say “God, I blew it again.  I can’t do it without you. Forgive me.”  And, every day He says, “I already have” and he wipes the slate clean.  And that is why I can go to heaven. 
Leonardo (faces audience, drops sin list)  Hello, I’m Leonardo and I’m a sinner. 
Doc And we’re forgiven. (exit together) (exit music) 
About tom.raymond 1567 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson