L.A. at Last – I Love Lucy episode 114, season 4, originally aired 2/7/1955
Finally arriving in Hollywood, Lucy, Fred, and Ethel have lunch at the famous Brown Derby restaurant, while Ricky goes to work at the studio. However, Lucy’s staring at the stars backfires on her, with guest-star William Holden turning the tables on her by staring at her instead. Lucy reaction is comic gold, with her nervously trying to eat her spaghetti lunch. Including buttering her hand instead of her bread. On the way out, she accidentally trips a waiter with a large desert tray, covering William Holden with pie.
Later, when Ricky brings a star home to meet his wife, it’s … William Holden! Star-struck Lucy then has to pretend to be not interested in seeing her favorite star (“I’m fickle,” ) but Ricky isn’t buying it. Ricky keeps William Holden entertained while Lucy “freshens up”. And attempts to disguise herself with a head scarf, glasses, and one of the funniest prosthetic noses seen on television. All goes (relatively) well, until she attempts to light a cigarette, and sets her false nose on fire, eventually extinguishing it in a cup of coffee. It goes without saying that she has “a lot of ‘splainin to do,” but Bill Holden comes to the rescue, taking the blame for her being afraid of his recognizing her. All ends well, with Lucy kissing Bill Holden.
L.A. at Last! is available on the fourth season DVD of I Love Lucy.
Funny quotes from L.A. at Last! – I Love Lucy season 4
Ethel Mertz (Vivian Vance) [at the Brown Derby restaurant, speaking to the woman in the next booth]: My friend and I can’t see the signature on that last picture on the bottom. Is that Shelly Winters or Judy Holliday?
Eve Arden [turning so Ethel can see her face]: Neither, it’s Eve Arden.
Announcer: Telephone for Ava Gardner.
Fred Mertz (William Frawley): Where? Where?
Ethel Mertz (Vivian Vance): Fred, remember she’s just people like you and me.
Fred Mertz (William Frawley): She might be people, but she’s not like you and me.
Lucy Ricardo (Lucille Ball) [at the Brown Derby restaurant]: Look at the salads!
Ethel Mertz (Vivian Vance): Look at the pastries!
Fred Mertz (William Frawley): Look at the prices!
Lucy Ricardo (Lucille Ball) Don’t worry Fred. It’s my treat. Ricky gave me the money.
Fred Mertz (William Frawley): Oh, that’s different! Now I can look at this side of the menu!
Lucy Ricardo (Lucille Ball) What’s he doing here?!
Bill Holden: That’s it, that’s where I saw you! The Brown Derby. She was sitting in the next booth and, uh, I asked the head waiter who the beautiful redhead was.
Lucy Ricardo (Lucille Ball) [shocked]: You did?
Bill Holden: Yes, I wanted to find out your name and come over and tell you that you should be in movies. But, uh, you left before I had a chance. [wink]
Lucy Ricardo (Lucille Ball) [fainting] I kissed Bill Holden!
Trivia about I Love Lucy – L.A. at Last!
- William Holden mentions his then-latest film, The Country Girl.
- At the Brown Derby restaurant, Lucy notices the portrait of Eddie Cantor, who starred in Lucille Ball’s first movie, Roman Scandals.