Signature of Emmett Kelly
Photo Gallery of Emmett Kelly , the world famous tramp clown, Weary Willie
Many of the images are courtesy of the International Clown Hall of Fame
Photo of Emmett Kelly Sr. in his early tramp makeup
Photo of Emmett Kelly walking the wire as Weary Willy. Thanks to the Circus Historical Society on Facebook –
Emmett Kelly Sr. and an elephant friend
Color photo of Emmett Kelly with his famous broom, for his sweeping the spotlight routine
Emmett Kelly Sr. sweeping … the slot machine
Emmett Kelly surrounded by doll likenesses
Emmett Kelly clowning with Santa Claus
Emmett Kelly Sr.
Emmett Kelly Sr. on the cover of “Practical English’
Emmett Kelly Sr. and Gary Moore rehearse a TV show for the Circus Hall of Fame in Sarasota, Florida
Emmet Kelly at Dodgers Game as Pirates Player Dick Groat and Dodger Manager Walter Alston confer
Emmett Kelly and Ed Sullivan
Emmett Kelly with a rose
Emmett Kelly Sr. as Weary Willy in 1946
Photo of Emmett Kelly with Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey Circus. The photo was taken for an ad for the Pan-American Coffee Bureau, published in Life magazine, April 6 1953, page 49
Signature of Emmett Kelly
Frank Sinatra and Emmett Kelly at the circus (with their daughters)
Emmett Kelly sweeping the spotlight (without makeup)
Emmett Kelly Sr. (left) and Otto Griebing (right) in 1933
Lovely photo of Emmett Kelly in character as Weary Willy
Ringling Circus clown Emmett Kelly in a bubble bath Sarasota, Florida
ICHOF inductees – Bumpsey Anthony & Emmett Kelly
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Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson