Marx Brothers photo gallery – a collection of photos of the Marx Brothers (Groucho, Chico, Harpo, Zeppo) from their movies, publicity stills, and so on.
Groucho Marx performing “Go West, Young Man” in Copacabana Chico Marx at the piano Groucho Marx and Jane Russel in “Double Dynamite“ Vertical publicity photo of the Marx Brothers in At the Circus – Groucho, Harpo, Chico Groucho Marx as the president of Freedonia in Duck Soup The Marx Brothers, 1940 – Harpo, Groucho, Chico Harpo Marx – I Love Lucy season 4 – originally aired May 9, 1955 Groucho Marx with Oscar Three elderly clowns – Danny Kaye, Charlie Chaplin, and Groucho Marx Love Happy – Marilyn Monroe with Groucho Marx Groucho Marx sleeping on the job in the bed department in The Big Store Animal Crackers, Chico Marx, Groucho Marx, Harpo Marx, Zeppo Marx, 1930 Dr. Hackenbush song lyrics – from A Day at the Races The Marx Brothers pose for a publicity photo in A Night at the Opera Song lyrics to Whatever It Is, I’m Against It From the Marx Bros. film Horse Feathers The Cocoanuts (1929) Lydia the Tattooed Lady elderly Zeppo Marx Zeppo Marx, circa 1931 Gummo Marx Marx Brothers – Harpo Marx, Groucho Marx, Chico Marx on the Set of Night at the Opera, 1935 The five Marx Brothers in street clothes Young Groucho Marx, 1933 – not the greasepaint mustache and eyebrows Publicity photo for the Marx Brothers movie, At the Circus