Skits and Bits

Skits and Bits for clown and drama ministry by Steve Conley

Skits and Bits for clown and drama ministry by Steve Conley

Steve Conley is a prolific writer of clown skits — and a frequent contributor to the skits here on the Free Clown Skits website. Some of the skits he’s made freely available here include Breastplate of RighteousnessGod in a BoxThe Helmet of SalvationThe HelperRespectShield of FaithStanding StrongThe Sword of the SpiritThanksgivingWhiter Than Snow, and several others. He tends to write skits for 1 or 2 clowns, normally talking. As you can tell by perusing his skits here, Steve clearly has a heart for the Lord, and for teaching His Word through the art of clowning. This book is a compilation of some of his skits, suitable for clown or drama presentations in a church setting. I enjoyed it much and recommend it highly. It can be ordered directly from Steve at Steve Conley
I rate it 4 clowns  on a 5-clown scale.

Table of Contents of Skits and Bits by Steve Conley

A shoe-uge discovery

A skit for 2 clowns, introducing the subject of Goliath


A skit for 2 (1 clown, 1 voice) talking about God’s majesty.

Fishers of men

A skit for 2 clowns, talking about the calling of Peter, and being willing to follow Jesus

Follow me

A short skit for 3 clowns, talking about the change in Peter between his denial of Jesus and Jesus’ entrusting His sheep to Peter

God’s voice mail

A short skit for 2 clowns (and the Voice of God), talking about how God is freely accessible to His children

Jesus calls the twelve

A skit for 4 clowns, about Jesus calling his 12 apostles

Life insurance

A skit for 2 clowns, talking about life insurance, and eternal life insurance

The bench

A silent skit for 2 clowns, with a fair amount of slapstick, about love and rejection

The Holy Spirit

A skit for 2 clowns, talking about who the Holy Spirit is, and what He does

The male box?

A skit for 2 clowns, usable for Valentine’s day, talking about dating/courtship, etc.

The parable of the good samaritan

A skit for 8 clowns & 1 narrator, telling the parable of the good Samaritan. Contains a fair amount of clowning.

The parable of the lost coin

A skit for 3 clowns & 1 narrator, telling the story of the Parable of the Lost Coin. Well done, humorous without losing track of the message of the story — with a very good, comedic, ending. Done in a “Sam Spade” detective style.

The parable of the sower

A skit for 5 clowns & 2 non-clowns. Using a game show format, talks about the Parable of the Sower, and what happens to the seeds.

The parable of the unmerciful servant

A skit for 4 clowns and a narrator, retelling the Parable of the Unmerciful Servant. Well done, keeping the message clear while still being funny

The parable of the weeds

A skit for 6 clowns, telling the Parable of the Weeds. I love how the ‘weeds’ are played by gangster-type characters

The right side

A skit for 3 clowns, or 2 clowns and 1 ‘normal’ person. Talking about how Jesus called the disciples back after his resurrection, as well as how Christians need to ‘not forsake the gathering together’

They are precious in His sight

A skit for 1 clown, a monologue, talking about how much we are worth to God

Together we pray

A very interesting skit for 2 clowns, trying to piece together the meaning of the sign ‘To get her wep ray’. A very good skit — I love how, in the end, the clowns resolve to find Ray and let him know they’re praying for him.

Watch out for those dogs

A skit for 2 clowns, teaching the true meaning of “watch out for those dogs, those men who do evil”


A skit for 2 clowns, talking about the meaning of worship. Again, it balances the clowning with the message very nicely

Who are Steve & Kim Conley?

About tom.raymond 1605 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson