Lucy's Night on the Town

Lucy's Night on the Town

Lucy’s Night on the Town – I Love Lucy season six, episode 174, March 25, 1957

Lucy's Night on the Town

Lucy’s Night on the Town deals with Lucy Ricardo (Lucille Ball), missing city life after six whole weeks of  living in Connecticut.  She arranges for the Ricardos and the Mertzes to go out for dinner and a show, seeing the “The Most Happy Fella” and orders the tickets.  However, once she arrives for the dinner, she realizes that she’s ordered tickets for the matinee, not the dinner show.  Trying to postpone the inevitable, she and Ethel try to eat slowly, change their dinner orders, etc. but eventually the truth comes out.  They are able to get two tickets, however, and start by having the girls watch the first half of the show, planning to switch with the boys at the intermission.

At first, they think that they will all be able to watch, since the seats behind them are still empty, but after the second half begins the late arrivals show up, and want their seats.  Eventually, the Ricardos and the Mertzes share their seats, and enjoy their night out.

Lucy’s Night on the Town is available on the I Love Lucy season 6 DVD collection.

Funny quotes from Lucy’s Night on the Town – I Love Lucy

Lucy Ricardo (Lucille Ball): They say hot food is bad for the stomach.
Ricky Ricardo (Desi Arnaz): ‘They’ who?
Lucy Ricardo (Lucille Ball): I just said it – didn’t you recognize my voice?

Lucy Ricardo (Lucille Ball): Swallow it now and chew it later!

Fred Mertz (William Frawley): (seeing the billboard for ‘The Most Happy Fella”) I’ll bet he wasn’t married

Trivia about Lucy’s Night on the Tow

  • Music performed on this episode included Standing on the Corner€, Don’t Cry€, and Big ‘D’.
  • ‘The Most Happy Fella’ was an actual Broadway .show.  It was partially bankrolled by Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz’s production company, Desilu Productions.
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