You Can’t Cheat an Honest Man

You Can't Cheat an Honest Man (1939) starring W. C. Fields, Edgar Bergen, Charlie McCarthy

You Can’t Cheat an Honest Man (1939) starring W. C. Fields, Edgar Bergen, Charlie McCarthy

You Can’t Cheat an Honest Man – W. C. Fields is running a bankrupt circus, one step ahead of his creditors — barely. Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy perform a hilariously bad magic act. And Edgar is in a romantic triangle with Fields’ daughter, and a rich suitor …


You Can’t Cheat an Honest Man is an absolutely hilarious comedy! W. C. Fields is at his prime, and he’s laugh out loud funny. He’s running a small circus — Circus Giganticus — that’s literally one step ahead of their creditors. He’s putting his two children through school, and his lovely daughter’s thinking about marrying a rich, boring stuffed shirt. To help out her father. And Edgar Bergen’s a comedically bad magician, with the help of his ventriloquist dummies Charlie McCarthy and Mortimer Snerd. And Edgar falls in love with her as well.

Comedy highlights

  • The circus fleeing across the state line to escape the sheriff — and creditors!
  • Whipsnade showering with the help of an elephant
  • Then walking through the crowd, seemingly naked, covered by various items.
  • The Great Edgar’s hilariously bad magic act – with the help of Charlie McCarthy & Mortimer Snerd.
  • Whipsnade getting repeatedly soaked by the elephant — with Charlie McCarthy’ss help.
  • Rattlesnake story at the mansion – causing the rich woman to faint — repeatedly!
  • The absolutely hilarious ping pong game!

Product Description 

In one of his most immortal roles, comedy legend W.C. Fields (It’s a Gift) plays Larson E. Whipsnade, raconteur and ringmaster of the Circus Giganticus. On the run from the law and on the lam from creditors, Whipsnade pauses only long enough to crack his whiplike wit on the brilliant ventriloquist Edgar Bergen (Fun and Fancy Free) and his wooden pals Charlie McCarthy and Mortimer Snerd. Directed by Hollywood great George Marshall (The Ghost Breakers) and co-starring Eddie “Rochester” Anderson (Gone with the Wind) and Constance Moore (Buck Rogers), it’s a three-ring circus of madness, mayhem and Ping-Pong—a side-splitting spectacle any honest man can enjoy. And as Whipsnade’s dear old grandfather used to say: You Can’t Cheat an Honest Man.

Cast of characters

About tom.raymond 1605 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson