A Fair Exchange

Charlie Chaplin and his wife in the park in "A Fair Exchange"

A Fair Exchange – Charlie Chaplin the little tramp is walking in the park with his wife, & he’s attracted to a young lady. Mack Swain’s wife!

A Fair Exchange (1914) starring Charlie Chaplin, Mack Swain, Edgar Kennedy

Charlie Chaplin flirting with a pretty girl in the park in "A Fair Exchange"

A Fair Exchange is an early silent Keystone comedy short film. In it, Charlie Chaplin the little tramp is in the park with his homely wife. But when he sees a pretty girl, he begins flirting with her. Only to be rejected and slapped! And, poked in the posterior with a small dagger! But he keeps trying, and flirts with the lovely Mabel Normand.

Meanwhile, Mack Swain is in the park with his lovely wife — Mabel! But they separate, and he flirts with … Charlie’s wife! There’s a funny bit as each wife separates, commiserates with each other, and then introduces her friend to her husband. Unaware that they’ve already met!

The police get involved, with a slapstick chase. Eventually the couples straighten everything out, and the couples head home. After Charlie manages to get in trouble with his wife one more time!

Cast of characters

Additional Cast

Also Known As:

As with many early Keystone releases, the short film is known by a variety of different names, depending on the country where it’s released. Sometimes by multiple titles in the same country:

  • (original title) Getting Acquainted
    • A Fair Exchange
    • Exchange Is No Robbery
    • Hello Everybody
  • Brazil Carlitos e Mabel de Passeio (DVD Title)
  • Czech Republic Charlie flirtuje
  • Finland Kuhertelua puistossa
  • France Charlot et Mabel en promenade
  • Italy Charlot e la moglie gelosa
  • Japan 夫婦交換騒動
  • Poland Charlie i Mabel na spacerze
  • Romania Charlot si Mabel la plimbare
  • Russia Состоявшееся знакомство
  • Slovakia Charlie flirtuje
  • Spain Charlot tiene una mujer celosa
  • Sweden I parken
  • Turkey Şarlo Flört Ediyor
  • Ukraine Знайомство
  • United States A Fair Exchange(new title)
About tom.raymond 1604 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson