The Knockout

The Knockout - Charlie Chaplin, Fatty Arbuckle originally released June 11, 1914

The Knockout – Charlie Chaplin, Fatty Arbuckle originally released June 11, 1914

The 1914 Keystone silent comedy, The Knockout, is a typical, frenetic Keystone comedy starring Fatty Arbuckle.   Despite what moviegoers might think from the movie poster, Charlie Chaplin is not the star of the movie.  Technically he’s not even a co-star, although he is on-screen during the boxing ring scene as the referee.

The Knockout is about two tramps, down on their luck, who set up a fake boxing match exhibition for a promoter.   Pug (played by Fatty Arbuckle) is a likable young man who offers to fight in the ring against the “champion” to impress his girlfriend — and then the actual boxing champ shows up.   The center of the movie is the boxing ring sequence, where Charlie the Little Tramp attempts to referee the match — unsuccessfully.

Being a Keystone comedy, there’s a lot of frenetic energy, slapstick, and even an appearance by the Keystone Cops.

In addition to Charlie Chaplin and Fatty Arbuckle, other silent film comedy stars appearing include Edgar Kennedy (as the boxing champ Cyclone Flynn), Hank Mann, and Mack Swain.

Trivia about The Knockout

Also released as:

  • Charlot, árbitro (Spain)
  • Counted Out
  • Fatty, Charlie Chaplin och storsmockan (Sweden)
  • The Pugilist

Cast of characters

About tom.raymond 1605 Articles
Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson