Should Married Men Go Home?

In Should Married Men Go Home? Stan Laurel invites himself into Oliver Hardy's home, causes chaos, takes Ollie golfing, creates more chaos - mud fight!

Should Married Men Go Home? (1928) starring Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy, Edgar Kennedy, Charlie Hall


In Should Married Men Go Home?, an unexpected visit from Stan Laurel creates moments of awkwardness for Oliver Hardy and his wife, until Ollie agrees to join Stan on the golf course. Once there, the leisurely outing turns into mud-slinging mayhem.

Review of Should Married Men Go Home?

Buy from Laurel and Hardy’s silent short comedy, Should Married Men Go Home? is an enjoyable comedy — with an odd title. It’s broken into two halves: first at Oliver’s home, and later at the golf course.

In the first half, Oliver is enjoying an afternoon at home with his loving wife – marital bliss. Until an uninvited Stan comes over, wanting to play golf. At first, the Hardys try to pretend that they’re not home. It’s a comedic bit, with Stan banging on their front door … with a golf club! He eventually leaves a note for Ollie under the door. And Ollie makes the mistake of pulling it in, reading it, and putting it back. Even dimwitted Stan realizes that someone is home. After seeing the couple in the home, Stan is invited in.

Within minutes of being inside, Stan innocently begins causing damage to the house. Eventually, Ollie leaves to go golfing with Stan — leaving his irritated wife at home. Ollie’s attempt to mimic Stan and jump over his front gate is hilarious!

Lobby card for Should Married Men Go Home? Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy on the golf course with their "dates"

Once at the golf course, they “need” to pick up two lovely girls to make a foursome. They then try to buy sodas for the girls … with Ollie leaving Stan to pay the bill! On the course, it’s very funny: Stan picks up “free” golf balls, have hi-jinks with his oversized golf cap, “helps” a fellow golfer (Edgar Kennedy) lose his toupee (and later replace it with a divot), and end the film with a massive mud fight!


  • The soda fountain routine would be reworked with sound a year later in the talkie Men O’ War.
  • The gag of Stan slipping a note under the door, only to see it get pulled further in from the inside where the Hardys are hiding from him, would find new life in the 1931 talkie Come Clean.
  • This fits right in with the Laurel & Hardy shorts of its era as far as the pattern of action at the finale: a widening circle of anarchy and mayhem envelops The Boys, the bystanders and everyone in between. Mud is the aggressive instrument of choice here, while in You’re Darn Tootin’ it’s ripped pants, pies in The Battle of the Century and auto parts in Two Tars.

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Professional clown for over 25 years - happily married, with 5 children and 1 grandson