You’re Darn Tootin’ – Failed musicians Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy try to make a living as street musicians. Which leads to an enormous fight on the street
You’re Darn Tootin’ (1928) starring Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy
You’re Darn Tootin’ is a very funny silent Laurel and Hardy film, which I can’t help but wonder how it would have been with sound. The basic premise has Stan Laurel playing the clarinet, and Oliver Hardy the French horn. They’re playing in a bandstand, where they are comically inept. Throughout the short, Stan Laurel uses the clarinet as a wonderful comedy prop, with its’ multiple sections falling apart at the most inopportune times. During the band’s playing, Stan loses his sheet music. And so he steals Oliver’s prompting Oliver to try and retrieve “his” music sheet from under the conductor’s feet. After more comic ineptness, including knocking down all of the music stands like a set of oversized dominoes, Laurel and Hardy are summarily fired.
Back at their boarding house—where they owe 14 weeks back rent—they try to have supper. Only for Stan to accidentally ruin Oliver’s meal, a very funny routine that builds to a crescendo. Their landlady finds out, from another renter, that the boys have been fired. Next, they’re soon out on the street, with nothing but the clothes on their back and their musical instruments.
With no other prospects, they attempt to be street musicians—and fail badly. Simply walking the streets is comedy gold, as they keep earning the wrath of the men working in the sewers—a very funny routine. The short ends with a full-out fight between Stanley and Oliver, with Oliver punching and Stan kicking in the shins. Which soon spreads to other passersby, and ends with the crowd getting involved in a massive fight that ends with everyone’s pants being ripped off!
You’re Darn Tootin’ is a very funny Laurel and Hardy short film, which I enjoyed very much, and hope that you do as well.
Funny movie quotes from You’re Darn Tootin’
Police Officer: [to Stan and Ollie, performing as street musicians] Where’s your license?
Oliver Hardy: We have no dog
Oliver Hardy: I wouldn’t mind training a seal or an elephant—but you’re hopeless!
[Updated June 26, 2022]