Our Relations is a funny Laurel and Hardy short film. It deals with comedic mishaps when Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy‘s twin brothers, Alfie and Bert, come to town. And they’re repeatedly get mixed up for each other, causing issues with their wives, shipmates, and crooks who want to steal a pearl ring!
- Jimmy Finlayson blackmailing Alfie & Bert to give him their clothes
- Stan and Ollie’s revenge on Jimmy Finlayson in the restaurant
- Joe Grogan throwing Alfie and Bert out of the restaurant
- Second bartender knocking out Alfie and Bert with a comedically oversized hammer
- The wives mistaking Alfie and Bert for their husbands. And the boys kiss the wrong wives!
- The drunk, at a fancy restaurant, eating with Stan and Ollie, sees Bert and Alfie at a fancy restaurant – and thinks he’s seeing double!
- The confrontation at the restaurant.
- The crooks “helping” Laurel and Hardy, in an attempt to steal the ring.
- The conclusion, where Stan and Ollie are literally given cement overshoes, nearly drowned, and dropped back into the water multiple times!

- Stan Laurel (From Soup to Nuts) … Stan Laurel / Alf Laurel
- Oliver Hardy (Below Zero) … Oliver ‘Ollie’ Hardy / Bert Hardy
- Alan Hale (The Inspector General) … Joe Grogan -Denker’s Waiter
- Sidney Toler (Charlie Chan in the Secret Service) … Captain of SS Periwinkle
- Daphne Pollard (Thicker Than Water) … Mrs. Daphne Hardy
- Betty Brown … Mrs. Betty ‘Bubbles’ Laurel
- James Finlayson (Block-Heads) … Finn – The Chief Engineer
- Iris Adrian (Road to Zanzibar) … Alice. One of the two girls that Alf Bert pick up, and mistake them for Stan and Ollie. And insult their wives in the process!
- Lona Andre … Lily. The other date.
- Ralf Harolde … Gangster Boss
- Noel Madison (Manhattan Melodrama) … Second Gangster at Pirate’s Club
- Arthur Housman (The Live Ghost) … Drunk